Scott Colville Crop Insurance Agency (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Scott Colville Crop Insurance Agency

Job ID 799535  In Category: Other

Scott Colville Crop Insurance Agency

Hiring Company: Scott Colville Crop Insurance Agency
Location: All Cities, Michigan
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Mar 19, 2022 05:34:50 AM
Full Job Description:

15540 Bloem Dr.
Spring Lake, MI 49456
Monday - Saturday, 6:30am - 10pm
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Helping you get the best crop insurance, the best service, and the best returns for your hard work. At Scott Colville Crop Insurance it’s our passion to help farmers protect against whatever nature throws at them. Whether it’s bad weather, natural disasters, or poor yields: find the right combination of policies to help you earn the highest returns possible. Yep. You read that right. Scott Colville Crop Insurance specializes in helping you earn the highest net revenue from your crop insurance policies so you can invest your returns into the equipment, technology, and manpower you need to thrive! The Colville family has been insuring Midwest farmers since 1967 and we’ve seen firsthand how long hours combined with the stress of the unknown can directly affect your sleep and lead to mistakes and injuries. We believe it’s our duty to take care of those who provide for our communities around the country; so we’re here to guide you through the best policies and subsidies to make the best crop insurance decisions.

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Scott Colville
Contact Phone: 616-560-8510
Contact Email  : (None)
Number of Views: 118
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Scott Colville Crop Insurance Agency