Hiring Company: RHRahad
Location: Rajshahi, Bangladesh,
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $10 per Hour
Experience Desired: 12+ Years
Last Update: May 24, 2022 04:48:10 PM
Full Job Description:
Cost per action (CPA) is an online advertising marketing strategy that allows an advertiser to pay for a specified action from a prospective customer. Doing a CPA campaign is relatively low risk for the advertiser, as payment only has to be made when a specific action takes place. In the CPA model, the publisher takes the maximum risk as income is dependent on good conversion rates. Because of this, selling on a CPA basis is not as desireable as selling ads on a CPM (cost per impression) basis.
Course Modules https://cbait.com.bd
Company Type: Direct Employer
Contact Name : RHRahad
Contact Phone: 01796586308
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Number of Views: 139