Sales executive (Healthcare Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Healthcare Jobs > Sales executive

Job ID 807613  In Category: Healthcare

Sales executive

Hiring Company: IMBMS
Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Arizona
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $200 per Month
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jun 16, 2022 04:54:37 AM
Full Job Description:

IMBMS is amazing Glutathione store in India, which are the main reason behind its popularity among customers. But before buying this product, you must make sure whether the ingredients present in the vita glow night cream are suitable for your skin or not. There are some ingredients, which may cause allergy to you and your skin and if you have sensitive skin then it may result in complications. So it is recommended to take the advice of a doctor before using any such cream. If you are not able to find a good doctor who can guide you regarding your skin then researching on the internet would be beneficial for you to find a good night cream.

Company Type: Direct Employer
Contact Name : IMBMS Shiva
Contact Phone: 08197787879
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 136
USA Jobs Online > Healthcare Jobs > Sales executive