Elite Garage Door Openers Tucson (Customer Service Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Customer Service Jobs > Elite Garage Door Openers Tucson

Job ID 809533  In Category: Customer Service

Elite Garage Door Openers Tucson

Hiring Company: Elite Garage Door Openers Tucson
Location: 920 W Grant Rd, Tucson, AZ 85705, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jun 30, 2022 08:14:34 PM
Full Job Description:

Our goal is to provide high quality garage door service when you need us and get it done right. When you call to service a garage spring, we don't provide the bare minimum like many of our competitors. We take the time to perform a full garage door safety inspection to ensure all your hardware and garage door parts are in good condition. The first step in terms of getting your garage door spring service, that Phoenix trusts, is knowing just what kind of springs you have. There are two main types of springs: the Torsion Spring and the Extension Spring. Torsion springs are located above the opening of your door with springs that slide onto a bar. An extension spring can be found alongside the opening of the door. It's important to know whether or not a garage door company provides service for your needs. Our technicians are fully trained and equipped with the proper tools to work on torsion garage door springs and extension garage door springs. Every homeowner can relate to how life's inconveniences are thrown at you at the worst possible times. The last thing you want to happen is have your car stuck in the garage when you need it most, especially when it's only been a couple months, weeks, or even days after your last garage door repair! That's why we lead by example and follow the industry's best practices in order to make the best recommendation to homeowners each time we step foot in a garage. Most doors have two springs installed at the same time, when you have a broken spring, it's safe to say the second spring's life expectancy has just about expired. In order to save you from future inconvenience, unsafe practices, and damaging your garage door opener, we will usually recommend to replace both springs. If you've had the same tires on your car for a while and one blows out while you're driving, wouldn't you replace them both? It's extremely important to properly maintain equipment such as garage doors and automobiles.

Elite Garage Door Openers Tucson Contact Details

Website : https://www.elitegaragedoorsandgates.com

Google+ Profile : https://www.google.com/maps?cid=17745341722398945891

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Charan Gohlwar
Contact Phone: (520) 777-0285
Contact Email  :
Number of Views: 221
USA Jobs Online > Customer Service Jobs > Elite Garage Door Openers Tucson