Animate photos automatically using advanced deep learning technology for best results (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Animate photos automatically using advanced deep learning technology for best results

Job ID 812561  In Category: Other

Animate photos automatically using advanced deep learning technology for best results

Hiring Company: Animate photos automatically using advanced deep learning technology for best re
Location: United States, California
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jul 21, 2022 10:43:15 PM
Full Job Description:

We are a leading software development firm dedicated to creating a new range of AI-powered solutions from scratch. We help users recreate old photographs and add life to them. We have several years of experience in creating an application that makes use of complex machine learning techniques. Our team has successfully developed some of the most advanced applications that are based on AI algorithms. The image animation tool has been trained using videos of real people. The application is highly accurate in animating faces from old or new still photographs. We always focus on building software that will provide customers with an unmatched experience. The best part all the features and functions of our advanced tools can be accessed through reasonably priced subscription plans. Another notable feature of our photo animation is that the image is completely processed on the user's computer for maintaining privacy. Our app to animate old photos can bring the dead briefly back to life. We have incorporated some of the latest deep learning algorithms to create a seamless photo animation tool.

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Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Derek Dale
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Number of Views: 87
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Animate photos automatically using advanced deep learning technology for best results