Gaseous Fire Suppression suppliers (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Gaseous Fire Suppression suppliers

Job ID 813267  In Category: Other

Gaseous Fire Suppression suppliers

Location: Shaoxing, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jul 26, 2022 11:11:47 AM
Full Job Description:

At normal temperature, FK-5-1-12 is colorless, transparent and insulating liquid, can be used in gaseous fire suppression.

◆Physical properties of Noah?5112:

Noah?5112 fluid is applied as a gas, but is liquid at room temperature. It is electrically non-conducting in both the liquid and gaseous state. The breakdown voltage of Noah?5112 fluid vapor under saturated conditions at 1 atm, 21?C over a 2.7 mm electrode gap is 15.6kV, nearly 2.3 times that of dry nitrogen. The breakdown voltage of liquid Noah?5112 fluid under the same conditions is 48 kV. The properties of Noah?5112 fluid are similar to many of the first-generation halon alternatives with one primary exception – this compound is a liquid at ambient conditions. The boiling point of Noah?5112 fluid is 49.2?C, meaning this product has a much lower vapor pressure than other clean agents, which are gases at ambient conditions. Noah?5112 fluid has a very low heat of vaporization, approximately 25 times less than that of water. This, along with a vapor pressure 12 times higher than water causes Noah?5112 fluid to evaporate more than 50 times faster than water. This allows the agent to transition from a liquid to a gaseous state very rapidly. When discharged through a nozzle from a properly designed system, Noah?5112 fluid will rapidly vaporize and evenly distribute throughout the protected space.

Although Noah?5112 fluid is a liquid at room temperature, its vapor pressure is sufficient for the agent to readily achieve vapor extinguishing concentrations in air. At 25?C, one could form vapor concentrations with Noah?5112 fluid up to 39 percent volume prior to reaching saturation. Typical fire suppression design concentrations for most applications are in the range of 4.5 to 6 percent by volume of the protected space. That large differential between design and saturation concentrations dictates that condensation of vapor will not occur.

Zhejiang Noah Fluorochemical Co.,Ltd

Tel: +86-575-82738216

Fax: +86-575-82157561

Mob: +8618167105968


Add: No.5, Weft Nine Road, Shangyu Economic Development Zone, Hangzhou Bay, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, China

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : swpt_5vsFRjIh
Contact Phone: 8682738216
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Number of Views: 159
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Gaseous Fire Suppression suppliers