Nfpa 2001 Clean Agent (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Nfpa 2001 Clean Agent

Job ID 813276  In Category: Other

Nfpa 2001 Clean Agent

Location: Shaoxing, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jul 26, 2022 11:14:18 AM
Full Job Description:

At normal temperature, nfpa 2001 clean agent FK-5-1-12 is colorless, transparent and insulating liquid. it is the novel environmental harmonic and clean extinguishing agent.

FK-5-1-12 nfpa 2001 clean agent is a novel substitution of halon extinguishing agent. It helps engineers and facility managers meet environmental regulations while helping ensure the safety of people, reduce risks and preserve business operations with minimal downtime. It features zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and a global warming potential (GWP) of less than 1. FK-5-1-12 also has the largest safety margin for use in occupied spaces of all clean agents. It effectively extinguishes fire faster than inert gas or water mist systems, requires less volume of fluid and is safe for use with electronics.

â—†Potential for Reducing GHG Emissions

The fire protection industry has made considerable progress in reducing emissions from the relatively high levels experienced during the use of halon. However, the high GWP of the HFCs used in these applications combined with their growing installed base, results in continually increasing greenhouse gas emissions. A single discharge of an average sized fire protection system containing HFCs is meaningful in itself. Based upon an average sized Halon 1301 system containing 200kg, an equivalent sized system using, for example, HFC-227ea, contains approximately 347 kg of agent. A GWP of 3350 results in CO2 equivalent emissions of 1,160,000 kg when this HFC agent is discharged. This is equivalent to the emissions from more than 240 typical automobiles in the USA driven for an entire year!

Discharge of a fire protection system using Noah?5112 fluid in place of an HFC extinguishing agent results in significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Due to the dramatically lower GWP, greenhouse gas emissions from discharge of Noah?5112 fluid are reduced by more than 99.9% compared to any of the HFCs used in fire protection. As a result, Noah?5112 fluid is a low GWP alternative that can reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in fire protection applications and help to further the environmental goals of the industry.

Zhejiang Noah Fluorochemical Co.,Ltd

Tel: +86-575-82738216

Fax: +86-575-82157561

Mob: +8618167105968


Add: No.5, Weft Nine Road, Shangyu Economic Development Zone, Hangzhou Bay, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province, China

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : swpt_5vsFRjIh
Contact Phone: 8682738216
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USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Nfpa 2001 Clean Agent