Digital marketer (Administrative/Office/HR Jobs)

Job ID 820867  In Category: Administrative/Office/HR

Digital marketer

Hiring Company: Moonshine Therapy and Consulting
Location: Hilo, Alabama
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $1288 per Month
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Sep 18, 2022 11:07:34 AM
Full Job Description:

Therapy on Oahu

Working with a clinician is like putting puzzle pieces together. Explore the different puzzle pieces of my psychology practice to determine if we are likely to be a good fit. If this information resonates with you and seems like it meets your needs, the next step is scheduling an initial appointment. Licensed in Hawaii and Oregon.
Teletherapy is available in Hawaii and Oregon
You can schedule therapy appointments flexibly to meet your needs. Some people schedule appointments weekly, while others make 1-2 appointments per month. Others schedule appointments as needed throughout the year. Folks make appointments more often when they need support or dealing with stressful situations and less often when they manage their lives well.
About Dr. Moonshine
I was born and raised in Southern California. Spent several decades living and working in the Pacific Northwest.Transitioned to the Hawaiian Islands in 2018, after spending many extended periods here.
My psychology training is in Cognitive Behavioral and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. I also utilize insight-oriented models such as humanistic, gestalt, and psychodynamic. I am empowering and strength-based. I believe in tapping into your enlightened self-interest to find motivation and forward momentum. Therapists don't have answers or wisdom to solve your problems or transform your life. We work with you as a guide, confidant, and supporter to help you make sense of your experience and find your solutions. Life is not perfect, and there aren't concrete answers or solutions most of the time. It's about trial and error, being imperfect, and rolling with challenges. Therapists provide a safe, private space for personal and sometimes painful conversations. We explore themes and help you develop more understanding of yourself, your motivations, values, desires, and goals.
I believe strongly that wellness and resiliency are essential.
Just like our cell phones, we must regularly recharge our batteries to continue to take care of others and ourselves. I recharge my batteries by sleeping as best I can, enjoying home-cooked meals, spending time with my Frenchies, gardening and enjoying nature, hydrating well, breathing deeply throughout the day, and often laughing, mostly at myself.

Company Type: Direct Employer
Contact Name : Dr Moonshine
Contact Phone: 08086986081
Contact Email  :
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