Title Boxing Club Ahwatukee
Hiring Company: Title Boxing Club Ahwatukee
Location: Phoenix,
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Sep 29, 2022 07:21:23 AM
Full Job Description:
Business Address:
5037 E Ray Rd
Phoenix AZ 85044
Business Description:
We are the world’s leading authentic heavy bag boxing club. Our proprietary 52-week journey incorporates skill progression techniques and interval training for a true full-body workout in a ‘no-judgments’ environment. Each authentic heavy bag boxing workout combines the benefits of high impact training and stress relief, while incorporating skills and fun into each class. TITLE Boxing Club is also an opportunity to join like-minded individuals and share in physical and mental progress in a supportive and engaging environment.
Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : titleboxingclub
Contact Phone: 480-785-2000
Contact Email :
Number of Views: 109