Psychic (Insurance Jobs)

Job ID 826419  In Category: Insurance


Hiring Company: Psychic
Location: All Cities, New York
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Nov 08, 2022 05:18:32 AM
Full Job Description:

919 3rd Ave #32C
New York, NY 10022
(646) 927-1914
Website URL:
About US:
Russian Baba Vanga - Valeria Karat — who is she? A real witch or just a sorceress? She is the only one in Russia who explained and proved from a scientific point of view how her love rites work: black wedding and full submission of the person through the consecrated voodoo dolls, magic spells and magic potions.
Valeria Karat belongs to the ancient 'Atsinganos' family, which means "magicians, fortune-tellers". Is the only Shuvani in Russia (Gypsy witch). From childhood she has been practicing real witchcraft and conducts magical rituals. In her office all reigns and rules the atmosphere of mystery and magic, here you will hear the smells of strange herbs, invisible voices and something that can not be explained in common words. Valeria Karat is the only sorceress that conducts all their magical rites exclusively together with you. You will see all the sacrament of the rite with your own eyes, you will read spells with her, and in a few days you get everything you came for. Her magical rituals of the old believers she spends mostly in cemeteries and swamps.
All hidden thoughts, feelings and plans of yours and the person of your interest she sees through and immediately says what is the cause of your problem.
There is no limit to real sorcery. The proper conduct of the ceremony contributes to success in a short time. Getting to hers, you find yourself in a world in which there is love, happiness and well-being. She always gives you an opportunity to bring them into your life. To conduct her ceremonies the Gypsy Baba Vanga uses and sacramental wine, and the blood, and the grave earth taken from the cemetery, and black Thursday salt brought for cleansing, and the feathers of birds, frogs legs, and cockroaches for rituals for money, and hearts and lungs of animals, which she uses to subdue the will of man, that he could not breathe without you and love only you. All this is her handy stuff with which she will be able to help you get back a loved one, get rid of a rival, get married safely and remove the any kind of hex.
For all her work she provides one hundred percent written guarantee, signed by her personally. If you decide to ask Valeria Karat for help, you should know — you will get what you came for. Be watchful, because the world is full of dirt and envy, and while you ponder over something - your enemies and rivals do not sleep.
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Additional Detail:
Hours: Friday12:15pm–12am Saturday12am–12:14pm

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : CallPsychic
Contact Phone: (None)
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Number of Views: 112