Hiring Company: UR Weigh Scales and Services
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Dec 20, 2022 01:58:43 AM
Full Job Description:
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UR Weigh Scales and Services
UR Weigh Scales And Services has a team full of experience, factory trained and certified. With 25 years plus of experience we firmly stand on our professionalism and unique expertise in weigh and scales. We have worked with many Houston businesses to deliver high quality results. With service available 24/7, we are dedicated to helping our customers meet all of their weighing needs. After many years of perfecting our craft, we can say for certain that our skills are at the top of the industry. Not only skills but our team is dead set on showing our professionalism and curtesy to make any process hassle free and smooth. There's a reason our slogan is "Providing service one way, UR Weigh" and that is the experience we strive to uphold each and every time. At UR Weigh Scales and Services, we maintain accurate, certified weights. Our technicians are trained and experienced on the most intricate, analytical lab balances to the multi-ton Railroad, Truck and Crane Scale. Our Sales department, represents a wide variety of manufactures whose reputations speak for themselves. If you are looking for scales, we can introduce, or reaffirm you with vendors like Ricelake, BTEC, Pennsylvania, GSE, First Weigh, Doran, and on and on. And with your scales you may require indicators that range from the “user friendly” to the most sophisticated. We can assist you with indicators as selective as your company’s needs. Our association is strong with GSE, Pennsylvania, Ricelake and Doran to name a few. If you need equipment that recognizes and initiates bar codes, ticket printers or simple roll paper, multi-function or tape, let us recommend Ricelake, Epson, and IDS. UR Weigh Scales and Services, understands that time is money and we are here to offer our assistance. Decreasing down time is a major concern of all companies and to that end we offer 24 hour on-call emergency service.
Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : UR Scales and Services
Contact Phone: 7139035759
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