Trendsetter Ave (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Trendsetter Ave

Job ID 831441  In Category: Other

Trendsetter Ave

Hiring Company: Trendsetter Ave
Location: Covina, California
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Dec 31, 2022 12:42:38 PM
Full Job Description:

(feel free to use whichever you feel is best)#1: Trendsetter Ave is a women’s premium clothing brand established in Los Angeles, California. We specialize in trend-driven, feminine, and fearless fashion. We are playful & sweet but with a twist. We appeal to women with a sense of style and desire to look their best - always. Our women-led team designs, manufactures, and releases new styles weekly - widely known as Trendsetter Tuesdays. Our apparel is in high demand due to its timing with concurrent fashion trends, and the unique styles we provide for fashion conscious women.Our vision is to develop a worldwide brand where we provide on trend yet timeless pieces while giving back to our communities. —----- #2: Trendsetter Ave was established in 2021 with one goal: to inspire confident and fashion-conscious women worldwide to not only stay on trend, but to set the trends. Established in one of the top fashion capitals of the world: Los Angeles, California, we specialize in trending, feminine, and fearless fashion. Our women-led team designs, manufactures, and releases new styles weekly - widely known as Trendsetter Tuesdays. Our vision is to develop a worldwide brand where we provide affordable women's fashion apparel while giving back to our communities. We’ve built a sense of belonging and community through our loyal trendsetters. Stay on trend with Trendsetter Ave. OR .ABOUT US: TRENDSETTER AVE is an ethical clothing brand that appeals to women with a sense of style and desire to look their best. Located at the heart of Los Angeles, we offer trend-driven yet timeless designs to level up your wardrobe.VISION: Our vision is to develop a vibrant worldwide brand that inspires women to feel powerful and confident enough to set a trend (or two).
Just like butterflies, we evolve and so do trends. Stay on trend with Trendsetter Ave.

200 N. Grand Ave West
Covina, CA

Business Email


Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Trendsetter Ave
Contact Phone: (626) 419 - 8714
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Number of Views: 105
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Trendsetter Ave