Idealcard creates the most stylish range of customised water bottles (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Idealcard creates the most stylish range of customised water bottles

Job ID 832995  In Category: Other

Idealcard creates the most stylish range of customised water bottles

Hiring Company: Idealcard creates the most stylish range of customised water bottles
Location: United States, California
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Jan 19, 2023 02:18:27 AM
Full Job Description:

Idealcard is a renowned printer of collectibles and gift items that are greatly valued by their end users. Based in Singapore, the company has been active for nearly 30 years now and they have time and again delivered awesome products that have been well received by their end users. Their depth of knowledge and expertise on printing technology has made them a worthwhile name in the printing industry. Among the different types of products that Idealcard is known to make, the customised water bottles deserve special mention because they are crafted with a lot of care. The company is known for designing and printing the personalized tumblers according to the requirements of the customers. Their ability to create different styles of printing work on the custom coffee tumbler units makes it possible for them to reach out to a wider base of customers that appreciate their products.

To know more about Idealcard, visit

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Derek Dale
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Number of Views: 78
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Idealcard creates the most stylish range of customised water bottles