Backrooms Game (Arts/Media/Design Jobs)

Job ID 834903  In Category: Arts/Media/Design

Backrooms Game

Hiring Company: Backrooms Game
Location: New York City, New York
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $10001
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Feb 09, 2023 03:24:55 AM
Full Job Description:

Well, what if the thrill of fear is what you seek? Backrooms is a great room escape game, and you're going to enjoy playing it a lot. The easiest approach to avoid meeting the most horrifying beast is to constantly be on the go.

What time of day do you prefer for playing scary backrooms games? If you need to relieve stress, engaging in pleasurable activities can help. Your success may be enhanced if you take part in the current trend of backroom deals. If you are not already a fan, Backrooms 2 unblocked will make you one. Keep in mind that the building's layout is completely different from anything else you've ever seen, despite the fact that the atmosphere is still ominous.

It's a lot like other horror games, but you'll need a good tactic to come out on top here. Backrooms 2 does not have any scary monsters or tense moments in its unblocked online version.

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Lily Smith
Contact Phone: 2025550136
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Number of Views: 148