Location: Washington,
Job Type: Temporary & Other
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Mar 01, 2023 12:31:20 AM
Full Job Description:
Earn up to $120 with our new onsite project, THEATER MULTILINGUAL!
What? It’s a paid study. You’ll take part in some meetings with other people and will actively weigh in during the conversation. We will provide the topics and the instructions!
Where? In our offices in Redmond, in 14980 NE 31st. Way Suite 100 Redmond, WA 98052.
When? Whenever you choose! A member of our team will contact you to schedule your appointment.
How long? Each meeting takes a couple of hours. You can participate in a minimum of two and a maximum of six.
What do I need? • Must be 18+. • Must reside in or around Redmond (WA) • Must be a native speaker of Chinese.
Where do I sign up? Follow this link! It’s that simple! https://go.oneforma.com/TheaterMultilingual-redmond-jp
REFER A FRIEND - $25.00 You rock and we are sure your family and friends do too! Recommend a referral for our Theater Multilingual Data Collection Project by filling out this referral form, and upon the referral's successful completion, we will pay you $25.00 USD for each referral. Register through this form! https://79371.aidaform.com/theatermultilingual-referral-form-redmond
Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Ellen B
Contact Phone: (None)
Contact Email :
Number of Views: 106