Hiring Company: Fleegle and Helfenbein Funeral Home
Location: Greensboro,
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Mar 06, 2023 01:20:18 AM
Full Job Description:
106 W Sunset Ave
Greensboro, MD 21639
Social Links
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Business Description:
The caring and professional funeral directors at Fleegle and Helfenbein Funeral Home assists families understand all their options with funerals, cremation, burial, Medicaid planning, caskets, burial vaults, urns, headstones, funeral flowers, eulogies, celebration of life, funeral webcasting, VA burial benefits, veteran services, and all other services to honor a loved one. Our full-service funeral home and cremation service assist families throughout Maryland and Delaware including the following surrounding areas: Greensboro, MD, Queen Anne, MD, Goldsboro, MD, Denton, MD, Felton, DE, Felton, DE and all other surrounding communities. Please call us if we can help your family or visit us at 106 W Sunset Ave, Greensboro, MD 21639.
Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Fleegle and Helfenbein Funeral Home
Contact Phone: (410) 482-8914
Contact Email :
Number of Views: 75