scale calibration weight (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > scale calibration weight

Job ID 842538  In Category: Other

scale calibration weight

Hiring Company: 247 Scales
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Apr 27, 2023 08:35:37 AM
Full Job Description:

Livestock cattle scales for sale are designed considering the non-stationary behavior of animals. They are tested to be 99% accurate for all kinds of animals. However, there are factors that may affect the results of any weighing scale. For example, an unstable livestock scale calibration weight can interfere with the readings and make the animals uncomfortable, leading to jumpy and restless behavior. Additionally, foreign objects or animal excretion can interfere with the reading. Therefore, the user must follow universal digital weighing scale guidelines to get accurate results. Proper handling, setting the scale on a stable surface, and keeping the scale clean are important factors to ensure accurate readings. For more details please visit or call 877-747-1100

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : 247 Scales
Contact Phone: 877-747-1100
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Number of Views: 89
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > scale calibration weight