Hiring Company: voygrexpeditions
Location: All Cities, All States
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: May 18, 2023 01:35:49 PM
Full Job Description:
Voygr (pronounced voyager) operates phenomenal guided tours along the ancient Silk Route in Central Asia, the Russian Far-East, the towering Himalayas, and North India. Ideal journeys combining the best of ancient cultures, living history, phenomenal wildlife, and awe-inspiring landscapes with exceptional expedition luxury.
Voygr is the world leader for snow leopard expeditions in Ladakh, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.
The type of travel we advocate is transformative and regenerative. For you, for ecosystems, and for the communities that call the remotest parts of the planet their home. Travel is a powerful tool for positive change. When you travel with us, you contribute to protecting the stuff that really matters. Not just through dollars, but through presence.
Snow leopards are the dominant umbrella species across much of the territory we operate in. Their abundance indicates that the entire system is working well. Their absence demonstrates a world out of balance. Snow leopards and humans have existed in a state of conflict since time immemorial. If you own livestock, a snow leopard is your enemy. Our tours allow remote communities to diversify their income, expanding beyond livestock herding. When you travel to see a snow leopard, you directly contribute to making snow leopards worth more alive than dead.
Regenerative travel is the future. We’re beyond just sustainable, or neutral. The impact we’re interested in is the type that makes our planet better. Join us for transformative travel.
snow leopard tours
Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : voygrexpeditions
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Number of Views: 166