Design Engineer (Other Jobs)

USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Design Engineer

Job ID 857966  In Category: Other

Design Engineer

Hiring Company: Buehler Engineering, Inc.
Location: San Francisco, California
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: Not Specified
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Oct 11, 2023 12:14:09 PM
Full Job Description:

Work location in San Francisco, CA. Design cost-efficient civil structures (including Steel,
Concrete, wood, and masonry) with consideration of stability and durability. This includes
preparing the building structural systems, determining load path requirements using
mathematics, computing material stress factors, estimating quantities and cost of materials,
equipment, or labor to determine project feasibility, and providing design specifications and
plans. Work closely and communicate effectively with architects and all other engineering
disciplines in the project design process for innovative and sustainable designs. Coordinate
with building department to address comments and complete the permit process. Analysis
and/or evaluation of the structural system/components of existing buildings to provide
technical retrofit advice to property owners/managers regarding construction, demolishing,
modifications or structural repairs. This includes evaluating existing structural
systems/components with computer assisted simulation/analysis tools, writing evaluation
reports, and providing retrofit drawings and solutions. Accompany the supervising SE
(Structural Engineer) to observe the construction at project site to make sure Construction is
performed in accordance with approved plans. Assist contractors on job-site by providing
engineering solutions to the problem they encounter during the construction phase.
Accompany the supervising SE (Structural Engineer) for observation of project sites to
monitor progress and ensure conformance to design specifications. It also involves finding
existing building condition for further evaluation and retrofit requirement. Requires Master’s
degree in civil or structural engineering. Familiarity with building codes and structural
analysis/design programs including etabs. Working knowledge of drawing detailing, steel and
concrete design required. Ability to apply fundamentals of earthquake engineering on
building systems to calculate seismic force demands. Ability to understand and evaluate
seismic retrofit strategies using computer aided simulation/analysis tools. Knowledge of
equipment anchorage for seismic forces. Submit resume and cover letter to Buehler
Engineering, Inc., 600 Q Street, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95811.

Company Type: Not Specified
Contact Name : Kristy Koussaya
Contact Phone: (None)
Contact Email  : (None)
Number of Views: 88
USA Jobs Online > Other Jobs > Design Engineer