Dino Game (Healthcare Jobs)

Job ID 892496  In Category: Healthcare

Dino Game

Hiring Company: Dino Game
Location: Hồ Chí Minh, Hawaii
Job Type: Full Time
Salary: $10000
Experience Desired: 0 - 2 Years
Last Update: Aug 07, 2024 04:55:32 AM
Full Job Description:

The Dino Game, also known as the Chrome Dino or T-Rex Runner, is an endless runner game built into Google Chrome. It was developed by Sebastien Gabriel, Edward Jung, and Alan Bettes in 2014 to entertain users when their internet connection is down. When users encounter the "No Internet" page, they can press the spacebar to start the game. The objective is simple: guide a pixelated T-Rex dinosaur through a desert landscape, jumping over cacti and ducking under pterodactyls. The game speeds up over time, increasing the difficulty and testing players' reflexes. Despite its simplicity, the Dino Game has become an iconic part of Chrome, offering a fun and nostalgic distraction during internet outages. https://dinogame.app/

Company Type: Direct Employer
Contact Name : Dinogame
Contact Phone: 0913066188
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