It's a nightmare for any traveler to find out that the airline has lost your luggage. But let's think about the opposite situation. Many air passengers have probably noticed a situation where, after landing, several suitcases are left in the baggage claim area. All the tourists have already picked up their bags, but, for example, several backpacks are still spinning on the baggage belt. What happens if no one picks up the things?
Of course, it is impossible to say that this baggage is absolutely unclaimed. There is always a person to whom it belongs. If not at this airport, then at another one - the owner of the things will definitely be found. According to airport employees, several suitcases can be left on the carousel as a result of an error during unloading at the airport of arrival. Perhaps the problem arose when sending the baggage at the departure airport - then the bags must be looked for on another flight and in another air harbor.
It is worth noting that such incidents are becoming less common these days. Today, computer programs are responsible for baggage dispatch, which immediately “link” the suitcase to the departure flight and, accordingly, the destination during check-in. Most problems usually arise during transit flights, due to overbooked flights or emergency situations when a passenger needs to be transferred to another aircraft. So, what should airport employees do with a lost bag? How does a suitcase find its owner?
According luggage storage rome if no one picks up your luggage at the airport of arrival, the airline starts to find out who it belongs to. The easiest way is to look at the suitcase tag, where prudent passengers usually indicate their first name, last name, and contact information (which is why it is so important to buy one if you haven’t already). In addition, you can track the route of your luggage and its owner by the barcode that is attached to the suitcase when you check in for the flight. This way, the airline’s employees find out the owner’s contact information and contact them to decide how to return the items.
However, there are more difficult situations when it is not possible to identify the bag or reach the passenger. In such a case, the baggage is stored in the terminal for five days. If no one picks up the items after this time, they leave the airport building. The baggage is sent to the airline's warehouse and is stored there for about two more months. After that, the bags become the property of the airline. Such items are usually donated to charities or sold at auctions.